Inscrivez-vous sur le FDPI !

En vous inscrivant sur notre forum, vous pourrez découvrir toute une communauté de passionnés (plus de 500 membres), une multitude d'informations concernant les plaques d'immatriculation comme la législation, l'histoire de nos plaques, et tous nos forums régionaux ! Vous pourrez également y découvrir nos forums étrangers (Belgique, Canada, Espagne, États-Unis, Italie, Mexique, Pays-Bas), et tous nos sujets sur les plaques du monde entier ! Entrez dans l'univers placophile et ses multitudes de surprises... 
Pour vous inscrire, cliquez ICI
"By signing up for this forum, you will discover a large community of registration plates enthusiasts (more than 500 members), many information about registration plates, for example the legislation, the history of our plates, and all the French regional forums ! Moreover, we didn't forget plates enthusiasts from abroad with many forums (Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Mexico, the USA, Canada, Australia, etc) and topics about plates from all around the world !
Come into this universe made of registration plates, but also made of many surprises ...
To sign up, click HERE

Pour vous inscrire, cliquez ICI
"By signing up for this forum, you will discover a large community of registration plates enthusiasts (more than 500 members), many information about registration plates, for example the legislation, the history of our plates, and all the French regional forums ! Moreover, we didn't forget plates enthusiasts from abroad with many forums (Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Mexico, the USA, Canada, Australia, etc) and topics about plates from all around the world !
Come into this universe made of registration plates, but also made of many surprises ...

To sign up, click HERE